Format of the ID numbers for VAT purposes in member states of the European Union (EU).
Designation Le numéro d’identification à la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée BTW-identificatienummer
Abbreviation No.TVA BTW-Nr.
Country code BE
Number of additional characters ten/strong>, digits only
Special cases OldVAT ID numbers can be completed by prefixing the digit 0 (zero)
Designation Dank dobawena stoinost
Abbreviation DDS = ДДС
Country code BG
Number of additional characters nine oder ten, digits only
Designation Momsregistreringsnummer
Abbreviation SE-Nr.
Country code DK
Number of additional characters eight, digits only
Designation Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer
Abbreviation USt-IdNr.
Country code DE
Number of additional characters nine, digits only
Designation Käibemaksukohustuslase registreeri-misnumber
Abbreviation KMKR-number
Country code EE
Number of additional characters nine, digits only
Designation Arvonlisâverorekisterointinumero
Abbreviation ALV-NRO
Country code FI
Number of additional characters eight, digits only
Designation Le numéro d’identification à la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée
Abbreviation none
Country code FR
Number of additional characters eleven, digits only or the first and/or second character can be a letter
Designation Arithmos Forologikou Mitroou FPA
Abbreviation A.φ.M.
Country code GR
Number of additional characters nine, digits only
Designation Value added tax registration number
Abbreviation VAT Reg.No.
Country code GB
Number of additional characters nine or twelve, digits only
Special cases From 2021 Northern Ireland only
For administrations and the health service: five, the first two characters are GD or HA
Designation Value added tax identification number
Abbreviation VAT No
Country code IE
Number of additional characters eight, the second character can be and the last character must be a letter
or nine characters (from 01.01.2013)
1st – 7th characters are digits
8th character is a letter from A to W
9th character is a letter from A to I
Designation Il numero di registrazione IVA
Abbreviation P.IVA
Country code IT
Number of additional characters eleven, digits only
Designation Porez na dodanu vrijednost hrvatskog identifikacijski broj
Abbreviation HR PDV ID broj
Country code HR
Number of additional characters eleven, digits only
Designation Pievienotāsvērtības nodokļa reģistrācijas numurs
Abbreviation PVN reģistrācijas numurs
Country code LV
Number of additional characters eleven, digits only
Designation Pridetines vertes mo-kescio moketojo kodas
Abbreviation PVM moketojo kodas
Country code LT
Number of additional characters nine or twelve, digits only
Designation Le numéro d’identification à la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée
Abbreviation none
Country code LU
Number of additional characters eight, digits only
Designation Value added tax identification number
Abbreviation VAT No
Country code MT
Number of additional characters eight, digits only
Designation BTW-identificatienummer
Abbreviation OB-Nummer
Country code NL
Number of additional characters twelve, the third from last character must be the letter “B“
Designation Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer
Abbreviation UID-Nr
Country code AT
Number of additional characters nine, the first character must be the letter “U“
Designation Numer identyfikacji podatkowej
Abbreviation NIP
Country code PL
Number of additional characters ten, digits only
Designation O número de identificacao para efeitos do imposto sobre o valor acrescentado
Abbreviation NIPC
Country code PT
Number of additional characters nine, digits only
Designation Cod de înregistrare în scopuri de TVA
Abbreviation TVA
Country code RO
Number of additional characters maximumten, digits only, the digit sequence cannot begin with a 0 (zero)
Designation Registreringsnummer för mervärdesskatt (Momsnummer)
Abbreviation MomsNr
Country code SE
Number of additional characters twelve, digits only,
the two last characters always consist of the 01 (zero, one) digit combination
Designation Identifikačné číslo pre daň z pridanej hodnoty
Abbreviation IČ DPH
Country code SK
Number of additional characters ten, digits only
Designation Davčna številka
Abbreviation DDV
Country code SI
Number of additional characters eight, digits only
Designation El número de identificación a efectos del Impuesto sobre el Valor Anadido
Abbreviation N.IVA
Country code ES
Number of additional characters nine, the first and last characters or the first or last characters can be a letter
Designation Danove identifikacni cislo
Abbreviation DIC
Country code CZ
Number of additional characters eight, nine or ten, digits only
Designation Közösségi adószám
Abbreviation none
Country code HU
Number of additional characters eight, digits only
Designation Arithmos Egrafis FPA
Abbreviation keine
Country code CY
Number of additional characters nine, the last character must be a letter
Special cases Currently only the Greek part including Akrotiri and Dhekalia
Please note
In several member states of the EU, the VAT-ID is the tax ID number with which an individual is registered with the tax authorities for VAT purposes. It is not an additional number that is assigned through a special procedure, as in Germany. The specific country code appears at the beginning of this tax identification number. However, it may be that in spite of this, a special request must be made to be able to register the company’s details in the database, allowing them to be awarded the validations in the confirmation processes (see art. 18e of the German VAT law – UStG).
Source: German Federal Tax and Finance Office (Bundesamt für Steuern und Finanzen), Germany | Version 12.2021
All statements without guarantee.